
Ceiling and Wall-mounted Multifunctional Air Purifier

Introduction 簡介  Specifications 產品規格  Document 文件下載

Introduction 簡介


#空氣淨化系統適合餐廳, 店舖, 商店, 工商廈及安老院舍使用,有效改善空氣循環、換氣次數 (ACH) 及提昇室氣質素, 可根據使用環境來擇適合的過濾原理及安裝方式,如掛牆或天花不需佔用地面空間。


Save space and Solve different air problems

How to choose an air purifier that suits you? It is difficult to generalize indoor air problems. You should understand your indoor air problems and your desired goals. In addition, the placement method is also an important consideration. After all, the space in Hong Kong is limited. Of course, it is desirable to save space and be practical.

The innoclean OceanClean series of air purifiers (Model: Plasma600 / PTU600 / UV600) can choose the most suitable model according to the needs, and at the same time, according to the indoor environment, you can choose to install it on the floor, on the table, on the wall or on the ceiling, purify the room and increase the ventilation rate / air change (Air Changes per Hour, ACH).

Each model adopts different purification principles, which are more effective for different air pollution and achieve better results.

• Plasma600 (IAQ Hunter) - uses plasma to effectively kill bacteria and viruses and eliminate harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and total organic volatile compounds to improve overall indoor air quality

• PTU600 (Toxic Hunter) - uses photoplasma and photocatalysis to eliminate indoor chemical pollution and odor problems

• UV600 (Germ Hunter) - Completely kills bacteria and viruses with high-intensity UV-C light



如何選擇適合您的空氣淨化器? 室內空氣問題難以一概而論,應了解自身室內空氣問題及期望的目標。另外,放置方式也是很重要的考慮因素,畢竟香港的空間有限,當然希望又慳位又實用。


innoclean OceanClean 系列空氣淨化器 (型號: Plasma600 / PTU600 / UV600) 可以按需求,而選擇最適合的型號,同時,按室內環境來選擇以座地、座枱、掛牆或天花式安裝,為室內進行淨化及提昇換氣次數 (每小時換氣次數)。


• Plasma600 (IAQ Hunter) - 採用等離子有效殺死細菌病毒及消除有害化學物質如甲醛及總有機揮發性化合物等,改善整體室內空氣質素

• PTU600 (Toxic Hunter) - 採用了光等離子及光催化來消除室內的化學污染及異味問題

• UV600 (Germ Hunter) - 採用高強度 UV-C 紫外光燈徹底殺死細菌病毒

Features 特點
• Improve indoor air change (ACH)
• Improve indoor air re-circulation
• 3 model available: Plasma600 / PTU600 / UV600
• High Purification Efficiency
• Flexible placement: Ceiling Mounted / Wall Mounted / Freestanding
• Equip with remote controller
• Durable metal casing with epoxy coating
• Testing report and excellent feedback
• Lower the operating cost
• Easy installation and maintenance


Specifications 產品規格

Specifications for innoclean OceanClean Series, please read below series leaflet
有關 innoclean innoclean OceanClean 空氣淨化器系列的產品規格及使用建議等,歡迎聯絡我們及參閱以下小冊子

HKAPC - IAQ Engineering室內空氣質素提昇及改善工程

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